COM 100 Summer 2014

Coordinated Management of Meaning

Friday, July 18, 2014 2:39 am

The Coordinated Management of Meaning theory finds its roots in interaction/conversation. The theory states that through the use of language and communication, participants co-construct their own realities. The theory has applications among practical, interpretive, and critical theory.

One way that CMM could be viewed within a practical level is among the advertising industry. The conversation that occurs between the ad itself and the viewer can evoke certain reactions depending on the use of certain language, tone, or non-verbals. Through the use of certain words/certain kind of language, advertising and the viewers can construct their own realities which can elicit certain responses from the viewers of ads.

For example, many advertising agencies utilize “shame appeals” as a way to motivate potential customers. Take for instance, weight loss medication, the advertising agency may attempt to create a new reality for the viewer (you’re fat, you’re unhealthy, you’re gonna die young, you’re going to be single for ever). The shame of the viewer’s “new reality” motivates them to act in a way that the advertising agencies predicts (purchases, subscriptions, etc).

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