We Wake, We Write

a reflective portfolio of multimedia student writing at Wake Forest University

Adapting The Experience Of A Female Collegiate Athlete From Paper To Screen: A Reflection

How do you turn a piece of writing into a film? Where do we even begin? These were our first questions when approaching this project, and what made us grateful that we would have three minds working on the answers. I, Alex, was apprehensive, especially after our group decided to adapt my autoethnography. As a…

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A Reflection of a Boarding School Graduate

Like any and all group projects ours definitely came with its challenges and successes. As a group we chose to turn Piper’s auto ethnography into a video because we believed her experience was both unique and interesting. Using our time wisely, we believe that we turned her essay into a captivating digital piece showing the…

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Reflecting on the Making of “Jewish College Students”

In this last project of the semester, the main argument we try to make in the video is that students who belong to minority groups often face discrimination, and have trouble finding their own identity when they face new chapters in their lives. We used various sources that studied this phenomena along with Sterling’s personal…

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Reflecting on Indian Students in American Universities

When the time came to start Project Four, our group began by looking over each other’s autoethnographies, and concluded that Mudit’s paper would be best for a popular audience. We concluded that Martin’s paper about being a part of the PC gaming community, and Clark’s paper about being a southern male at a northern boarding…

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Writing “College Football Fans as an In-Group”

As a group we faced many challenges coming into this project; time always seems to be the biggest constraint on our lives and it was a large factor in this project. This was the first major group project most of us have done in college. We have all done major papers and research assignments before…

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