We Wake, We Write

a reflective portfolio of multimedia student writing at Wake Forest University

Looking Back on Social Media’s Impact on Generation Z

After reviewing everyone’s auto ethnographies, we all agreed that Rachel’s story would be the best on to adapt into a video since it was very relatable. Not only did all of our group relate to Rachel’s story, but we also felt like it would be easy for other students to relate. It also gave us…

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Behind the Scenes of “Calling Nowhere Home: Third Culture Kid (an Autoethnography of Annette Barlie)”

  Compared to the familiar medium of writing a paper, making a video for project four at first seemed like a daunting task. Most members of our group haven’t had a lot of experience with video composition. Making the change from working as an individual to working as a group on this project went surprisingly…

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Writing “Who Am I? QuiĆ©n Soy Yo?”

Upon entering this project, only one of the four members of our group had successfully collaborated with others, and we all entered with certain reservations and overall negative mindsets in the prospects of working as a group. In project four, we learned new lessons through our difficulties and successes in choosing specific rhetorical devices to…

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Reflecting on the “Importance of Mindfulness”

There was one day in Professor Giovanelli’s class when she asked us who had worked in a group project before and everybody raised their hands. We all thought we knew what group projects were, but since we were all probably those over-achieving students in high school who led most of them, we didn’t really know…

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Looking in the Mirror: Reflecting on Our Writing of an Autoethnography of a Biracial Adolescent

In Writing 111, we as freshmen have been introduced to a plethora of types of writing. From research papers to freewriting to literature responses, we have been exposed to new ways of expressing ourselves, and proving our intelligence on paper. Our final project involved making an auto-ethnography in video form, based on Hannah Goodwin’s Project…

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Reflecting on Overcoming Stereotypes of Being a Middle Child

We were so close. We almost made it. Just a few more weeks and we would have successfully made it through exams without any sort of project. Let alone the formidable group project. A school like Wake Forest has an intellectually devoted and leadership based study body. This could also translate to a student body…

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