We Wake, We Write

a reflective portfolio of multimedia student writing at Wake Forest University

Reflecting on “The ‘Needs’ of a First Generation College Student”

One of the main challenges of Project 4 was to shift our purpose of the autoethnography to better appeal to the audience. In Project 3, the autoethnography was aimed towards a more scholarly audience with knowledge and interest in the studies of humans. The purpose was to add personal reflection that added a new perspective…

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Looking in the Mirror: Reflecting on Our Writing of an Autoethnography of a Biracial Adolescent

In Writing 111, we as freshmen have been introduced to a plethora of types of writing. From research papers to freewriting to literature responses, we have been exposed to new ways of expressing ourselves, and proving our intelligence on paper. Our final project involved making an auto-ethnography in video form, based on Hannah Goodwin’s Project…

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Reflecting on Overcoming Stereotypes of Being a Middle Child

We were so close. We almost made it. Just a few more weeks and we would have successfully made it through exams without any sort of project. Let alone the formidable group project. A school like Wake Forest has an intellectually devoted and leadership based study body. This could also translate to a student body…

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Reflecting on the Life of an Introvert

The discussion of introverts is both a fascinating and informative topic. Working on this project allowed me to learn more about myself and about my introverted friends. One aspect that I think we did very well was incorporating our evidence into our video. In the class workshops, we received positive reviews on how the evidence…

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