We Wake, We Write

a reflective portfolio of multimedia student writing at Wake Forest University

Adapting The Experience Of A Female Collegiate Athlete From Paper To Screen: A Reflection

How do you turn a piece of writing into a film? Where do we even begin? These were our first questions when approaching this project, and what made us grateful that we would have three minds working on the answers. I, Alex, was apprehensive, especially after our group decided to adapt my autoethnography. As a…

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Looking Back on Social Media’s Impact on Generation Z

After reviewing everyone’s auto ethnographies, we all agreed that Rachel’s story would be the best on to adapt into a video since it was very relatable. Not only did all of our group relate to Rachel’s story, but we also felt like it would be easy for other students to relate. It also gave us…

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A Reflection of a Boarding School Graduate

Like any and all group projects ours definitely came with its challenges and successes. As a group we chose to turn Piper’s auto ethnography into a video because we believed her experience was both unique and interesting. Using our time wisely, we believe that we turned her essay into a captivating digital piece showing the…

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State Divided: An Autoethnography of Basketball Fans in the Bluegrass State

Caroline’s Reflection Throughout this project, I have seen all of the skills that have been taught throughout this course as one cohesive effort, such as balancing “they say” and “I say”, the importance of drafting and revision, and the importance of research and developing an argument. This project was different than the projects that we…

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A Reflection of an All-Girls Education Experience

Reflection Paper This project was a lot of work to take on with only a week left of school, but I think our group rose to the task quite nicely. We collaborated well and met everyday after the project was assigned which paid off. I am personally proud of where we stand and I think…

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Reflecting on “Sorority Stereotypes”

Our first challenge as a group, of course, was to choose which ethnography to adapt into a video. This decision was a tough one for us, because we wanted our film to relate to an audience here at Wake Forest. We also needed a paper rich with evidence and personal experience, so that we would…

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A Reflection of a Ballet Autoethnography

Introduction The video we created is about the positive and negative aspects of being a female ballet dancer. Amelia put in her own story confirming the scholarly information while discussing gaps in the scholarly information such as the number of dancers who leave the group after their body matures as well as the lack of…

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A Reflection on the Making of “Naturally Me”

Our fourth and final project of the semester consisted of adapting one of our randomly assigned group member’s autoethnography from project three into a video project. At first, we were all nervous about choosing whose project to use, because it didn’t necessary have to be the one receiving the best grade; we wanted to choose…

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Reflecting on “Vegetarianism”

Working in a new medium is difficult; working in a group is difficult. With these things in mind, working in a group to create a digital autoethnography on vegetarianism in college, a topic that only one group member had prior experience with, should sound impossible. However, this did not prove to be the case. Despite…

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Looking Back on the Italian-American Experience

For our project, we decided to turn Daniel’s autoethnography into a video. The purpose of this paper was to add to the larger conversation about immigrating and assimilating cultures within the United States and how connections can be made between members of these cultural groups as they go through and reflect on the forever challenging…

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