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SoundSeen at SECCA

The SoundSeen exhibit was a lot for me to process. I definitely wouldn’t consider myself to be a musician and so relating to these artists and musicians who were pushing the limits of their traditional craft was hard for me to wrap my brain around because I don’t even understand the traditional craft in the first place. I think I had the easiest time (granted, not easy at all) with understanding Anthony Braxton’s method of paintings to represent his music/as a form of notation of his music. The expressive sweeps and movements of the paint seemed to inspire the musical piece that went a long with it. I appreciate this because sometimes when I write or speak, words can’t always express what I’m feeling. My friends always poke fun at me for the weird “sound effects” I make when I’m trying to get a point across or express an emotion. I say things like AahhHggh or eeehhkk. But even those words don’t really capture what I say – or mean…

– Sarah Fahmy

Ventures into the Chaotic World of Sound and Art

As I entered Hanes Art Gallery the day prior our class trip to I was unsure on what to expect of both the art gallery as well as the field trip. As someone who loves art, as well as contemporary art, I was extremely excited to see the gallery. But more so, to hear it.

There was so much to see and hear at both galleries that bring many questions to me.

What is art?

Must art be understood?

What is good art?


I simple answer to all three is: everything, no, and no such thing as good or bad art.

While all three can seem like dodging the questions I believe in all three answers being the correct answers.

I also know I really enjoyed the chaotic nature of what I was immersed in. As well as, it was beautiful and made me think. Which I think is what the many artists wanted.

Here are some of my favorite pictures


At first, I found the music to be very strange. The John Cage piece was very slow and almost too random for my liking. However, the other two pieces seemed as though they were early versions of DJ remixes. I thought the progression of Braxton’s piece was fascinating and I especially enjoyed how he used inspiration from strangers. It made me think of the podcast we had listened to for Connor’s listen and tell. When the curator asked what each of the pieces reminded us of, I kept thinking about the craziness of March Madness. Since we are in the midst of March Madness, it is top of mind, but I kept going back to it and thought about how random and unpredictable the tournament is. It’s almost impossible to pick the perfect bracket and predict what’s going to happen next.

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