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On Wednesdays We Wear Pink

Cady Heron entered a new world when she stepped into the hall of a high school with its Queen Bee, Regina George set at the top of a position of power. How did she get there? According to Roscigno, “power is ultimately dependent on the perceptions of and compliance by the population at large”. Everyone at North Shore high school recognized and complied with the popular group, known as the Plastics. This consisted of Regina, Gretchen, and Karen, they were rich and popular and were kept at the top of the high school food chain by those below them consistently praising them and doing what the wanted without hesitation. Cady isn’t used to this type of structure and gets pushed around and treated like a nobody until she soon learns how to manipulate her way to the top because she sees abiding by rules and norms won’t get her there. According to Gaventa, “the rules of the game operate systematically and consistently to the benefit of certain persons at the expense of others”. The Plastics had their set of rules that only few could even join in to become part of the group and they chose Cady and she had to follow these rules to stay in their group. On Wednesdays they wore pink, non-negotiable, and they are not allowed to wear sweatpants or jeans except on Fridays, only wear your hair in a ponytail once a week, and before you buy anything your friends must approve. In order for Cady to destroy Regina’s hold on the throne she had to manipulate her way there with the help of others. This collective action involved Janis and Damien to teach her how to become one of the plastics while she also studied Regina and challenged the structural bases of power. She also managed to turn Regina’s followers (Gretchen and Karen) against her. She overcame powerlessness by taking it and using followers to help her get there. Soon Cady achieves this by stealing Regina’s posse, her boyfriend, her style, she and is now the Queen with Regina at the bottom of the food chain with nothing.

Jess • September 11, 2016

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