Make Mexico Pay for the Blog

We Are Our Own Gatekeepers

Within the first debate of the 2016 Presidential race, one of the questions asked to the candidates regarded Donald Trump’s statement of Hillary Clinton not having a ‘presidential look’. Considering that I am the politically involved feminist that I am, this statement (and following question) lit a fire within me. My initial thought to the…

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The Lyin’ King

As a kid (and adult) if I heard “The Circle of Life” playing I would get very excited.The Lion King is my favorite Disney movie, but one thing still confuses me about the film: Why were all of the animals so happy during the opening scene? Sure the lions loved singing about the circle of…

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Close to Compromise? Reflections from the Charlotte Panel

On Wednesday evening, a law school classroom was packed with a diverse range of students, faculty, and community members. The panel at the front of the room was also packed with a diverse range of experts–law faculty, religious experts, a sociologist, and the Assistant Chief of the Winston-Salem Police. The large assorted group was collectively…

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