Make Mexico Pay for the Blog

Better to Ask Forgiveness than Permission

“It’s better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission.” At least, that’s what I was telling myself when I was on my way to the midnight movie premiere, despite my parents’ knowing. I knew they would have disapproved, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me. The benefits outweighed the risks. I would be…

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Let’s Get Creative

When I was seven my mom specifically told me not to go into one of the storage closets in our home. I had no interest in the closet before she told me it was off limits. Naturally, I now felt the need to to inspect this closet (I had suspicions that it contained Christmas gifts)….

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The Latinx Threat: They’re Here & Out To Get You!

Immigration has always been something understood in the United States. It’s been taught in school and the stereotypes surround us in everyday life. The United States reacted to the so called, “Latino Threat” by enhancing border enforcement. It is now known that this increase in border enforcement through manpower and funding did not complete it’s…

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They Took Our Jobs

There is a perceived crisis in our country, a crisis of the border, and politicians of all shapes, sizes, and colors (particularly orange) are getting involved. According to prevailing political thought of the last couple of decades, the “‘silent invasion’” of illegal immigration has threatened the nation both realistically, by “‘taking away jobs and milking…

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Crossing Canada: South Park’s Critique of Immigration Ideology

Throughout South Park, the main primary school teacher, and later presidential candidate, Mr. Garrison, has harsh opinions of Canadian immigrants. A montage of Mr. Garrison’s crude and explicit words and behaviors toward Canadian immigrants can be seen here: Massey, Durand, and Pren argue that politicians, pundits, and bureaucrats have framed Latino immigration “as a crisis…

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The perpetual invasion

The Mexican – American border has been a key point in nationals elections since the 1980’s and the 2016 presidential election is not any different with Donald Trump, the GOP candidate, promising to “Build a Wall” alongside the totality of the border. In fact, Trump is only exaggerating a long life policy of border enforcement,…

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An Open Letter to Donald Trump

Dear Mr. Trump, Like many Americans, I find fault with your idea to “build a great wall on our southern border.” I’m sorry Mr. Trump, but I just have to ask… what in the world are you thinking??? Since when has building a wall ever been a good idea?? (Do you not remember what happened…

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On Wednesdays We Wear Pink

We’ve all heard someone quote, “on Wednesdays we wear pink,” from the movie Mean Girls. This movie documents a girl, Cady, attending school for the first time in America after being homeschooled in Africa. As she assimilates to life in school, some not-so-nice girls take advantage of her, trick her, make her do things that…

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Blair Did It!!!!!!!!!

I have an older brother, and in typical older brother fashion, he was a pest most of the time. When he was five and I was two, he was sitting on a table when suddenly, it broke. Meanwhile, I was minding my own business, sitting in one of the chairs surrounding the table. It did…

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Shamelessly Symbolic

Frank Gallagher, in the T.V. series Shameless, is the stereotypical welfare abuser. He’s a drunk, with too many kids, and convenient injuries that allow him to abuse worker’s compensation. He’s lied about everything from his identity to cancer just to catch an extra dime. These stereotypes of the American welfare program could be the reason…

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