Make Mexico Pay for the Blog

Dirty Dancing

There are two sides when debating abortion (pro-life vs pro-choice) and the reasoning behind people’s opinions varies. An example of this is in the movie Dirty Dancing where Baby, the main character, pays for the abortion of another girl who couldn’t afford it. The doctor botched the abortion and Baby had to call her dad,…

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Rip the Baby Out of the Womb!?

Abortion is a topic that everyone has an opinion on nowadays, they’re either pro-life or pro-choice. Munson talks about the history of abortion throughout the United States starting in the nineteenth century leading to today. Munson also talks about how prior to Roe v. Wade abortion was rarely talked about and not really seen as…

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Continuity Amongst Change

In the past nineteen years of my life, I have seen terrorists attack our country and forever change our national security, I have seen the first African-American president voted into office, and I have witnessed a world become fully electronic. Amongst all of these MAJOR changes, it is rare to experience continuity, especially in social…

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Abortion as a moral issue

Until, the late 1900s, the issue of abortion was not discussed among most American citizens. It wasn’t, however, until wealthy physicians “who used abortion to make a symbolic claim to medical expertise” that abortion was even mentioned (Munson 78). As a result of these physicians and through the support of the Catholic Church, abortion is…

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Charlie wants an Abortion?

Dee: Well, ultimately it’s her choice. Dennis: It is not just her choice! Mac: It’s nobody’s choice! It should be left up to God. This conversation occurs among the gang shortly after Charlie finds out he might have a son in the second episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. After the discovery, Charlie wishes…

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How Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Came About

Abortion has long been a practice in the United States, whether legally or not. In fact, “until the nineteenth century, abortions were permitted in the United States” (Munson 78). So why and how did they became so widely criticized to the point where they were ruled illegal? In the 1800’s, physicians were regarded much differently…

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Is Pro-Choice The New Black?

Pennsatucky, the Catholic woman jailed for her violent abortion clinic protests, in Orange Is the New Black, exemplifies emotions that are generally present when discussing abortion. However, as Munson describes, abortion wasn’t always such a moral issue. She writes that “the moral concern about abortion has been constructed in bits and pieces over the course…

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The never ending division

Abortion appears as one of the most sensitive issue in modern America, opposing the “liberty of women” to “the sanctity of life”, we could have the feeling that this opposition is only born in 1973, with the Roe vs Wade law. But it is not the case.Indeed, The Making of Pro life activists : How…

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The Panic of Abortion

Abortion is a topic that is a major part of America’s current political environment. However, abortion is not a topic that sprung up overnight; instead, it has been a part of American culture and politics for longer than one may think. Within The Birth of a Movement by Ziad Munson, one sees that before the…

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SOA Watch Convergence

As Massey et al. describe in their work “Why Border Enforcement Backfired,” the increase in funding and national attention on border control since 1986 has had many unintended consequences. Despite a twenty-fold increase in funding, new immigration policy has resulted in a reduction of circular migration. Historically, migrants would return home after earning enough money….

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