The Blend Between Women and Abortion
I have always wondered about the history of women and their decisions about having an abortion and also found it quite interesting when relating this topic to TV shows like Scandal. I found that TV shows attempt to stay unbiased on the subject of abortion, to avoid offending a specific group of audience. In fact, in most TV plots, abortions is not considered a sensible decision and shows like Scandal show varied representations of reproductive choices to help regulate the opportunity of options accessible to women. With that being said, I found Katrina Kimport’s survey interesting about what the people she surveyed thought. It states, “What they share is a view of women as dubious ditherers incapable of making informed and responsible decisions” (Kimport 14). Also, the view point of Susan Markens about how the people against abortion argue that abortion distances women from their vital nature as mothers and nurturers. (Markens 14). While I do oppose abortion, I do feel like women should have the option to have or not have a baby, but also should be aware of the position there are putting themselves in when having sexual intercourse. In Susan Markens’, The Continuing Significance of Gender, it states, “Recent research has found that some anti-abortion activist have promoted a different narrative—that women as victims…women are victims as they are pressure to abort rather than follow their essential desires to mother” (Markens 15). Here, this allows me to understand that in some situations, women are pressured instead wanting to have an abortion themselves. In Katrina Kimport’s, Complicating the story on abortion restrictions, it was interesting how she focuses on the four common types of abortion restrictions and consider their effects (Kimport 16). All of these four types of abortion restrictions were interesting because as I mentioned earlier, I have always wondered about the history of abortion and these types further my understanding about them.