Pro-life vs Pro-choice
It is hard to imagine a world where the topic of abortion isn’t a main division between political parties; however, it didn’t even become a full-blown political issue until the passing of Roe vs. Wade in 1973. Within his article, Halfman compares American policies to those of Britain and Canada. Abortion has increasingly been becoming more of a political issue in all three countries, however American society is the only to succeed in these movements thus far. Halfman attributes this to the tendencies of American candidates to succumb to pressure from single-issue groups, whereas Britain and Canada’s candidates choose nominees to run the campaigns for them. The driving force behind the changes to abortion legislature lies within the antiabortion movement, as Rohlinger highlights within his article. The pro-life community has taken advantage of the momentum it has been gaining within recent years, which therefore has put legislature into motion that the pro-life individuals are in favor of. For example, waiting periods and two-visit requirements have been implemented in thirteen states, which is intended to ensure women fully consider their abortion decision prior to the procedure. It is restrictions like these that create the “war on women” and further divides the gender roles that Markens and Kimport discuss within their pieces, and which therefore progressively complicates the issue of abortion.
When considering these various stances on abortion, it is understandable that the topic of abortion came to be such a determining factor between political parties. The two parties are so polarized on the topic of abortion that it is near impossible to find any middle ground, leaving no room for compromise within American legislature.