Mother So Queer

A Queer History of Wake Forest University

Sandy Seawright on the struggle to “fit” at Wake Forest

“I don’t want to sound self-serving, but I’ve been told I’m likeable, but that’s why worse things didn’t happen to me as a gay person, some people experience direct violence and so forth, but because of being likeable, some professionals, therapists, have told me that they think that’s why I missed that. But I knew I didn’t fit. The same way I never ate a meal with my roommate, I might now, but I didn’t fit into this sort of social fraternity/sorority-type situation. I wasn’t sure really where I did fit. You know, its funny, I knew another person when I was a freshman and sophomore there, I knew another gay fellow who’s from the Charlotte area, and I knew him for many years after Wake Forest, I mean he kept going there, but he and I never discussed any gayness until way after being students. I mean, I knew it, but we didn’t even talk about anything. No connection about being gay.”

– Sandy Seawright

johntn12 • December 1, 2015

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