F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 5: Making Progress with the Charlotte City Council

So far, two things have surprised me interning with the local government. The first thing is that many council members have second jobs. Some of them even own their own business. This was shocking to me because serving on the council takes up a lot of time, they work 7 days a week without any…

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Week 7: Team Work/Projects

Week 7 has come and gone and as I enter my final week in my internship I am already starting to miss my job. This past week I worked on specific tasks that will help the flow of daily business and organization throughout the entire office. In regards to teamwork in the office, we keep…

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Culture of DeacLink

The culture of a company is difficult to determine when it is a start-up company. From my few weeks as a DeacLink Intern I determined that our culture is heavy dependent on interns because my bosses have other jobs other than running the website. Interns are expected to run most of the operations for the…

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Week 6 at CrossRoads (blog 7)

At CrossRoads there is a mixture of working together and in groups. When working with a client the advocate works independently through one-on-one sessions with the client. While the client may only see one advocate and work with one person, there may be times when behind the scenes many people are working together on one…

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Week 5 at CrossRoads (blog 6)

CrossRoads is an organization that works to accept and take care of not only their clients but their employees. Since the work can be so difficult and a large emotional strain the culture of the employees focuses on helping each other and looking out for each other when tougher cases come in. Something that the…

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Week Three: You Can Feel the Tension

Hey everyone, So I am an intern at the Mind Body Institute Beyond here in Winston, and it is owned and operated by Dr. David Mount. Dr. Mount is one of the few doctors in this area that the VA trust to carry out psychological evaluations for the veterans that come to the VA seeking…

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Unique Perspectives 7.8.18- Payton Calvert

Something that makes Good Shepherd’s Fold so amazing is their jointly combined staff of Ugandan and Western employees. There are missionaries from the Western world who live and work at GSF permanently; there are also Ugandan workers, some who live on campus and some who come from surrounding areas. This is crucial to the success…

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Week 6 at Hangar

Since Hangar functions similarly to a summer stock their culture is very dependent on the group of people hired per summer. There are many people who are hired back for the follow years but these positions tend to be through company management or managing the shops. The positions like intern and apprentice are not normally…

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Week 8!

I must sound like a broken record by now, but I seriously can’t believe we’re 8 weeks into my summer with Ronald McDonald House! The progress of my projects for the summer has somewhat surprised me. Some of my projects, such as putting together a booklet of instructions for volunteers to used, were finished in…

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Quick Chill Week at the “Depahtment” of Public Health

Not a lot of new things happening because it’s the fourth of July week! Half of the office took off Monday and Tuesday and the other half took off Thursday and Friday since the holiday was smack dab in the middle of the week so the office has bee really low key. Lots of mail…

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