F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Taking Initiative 7.29.18- Payton Calvert

This summer has taught me many things; too many to count. One specific lesson pertains to leadership. Because so much is going on at GSF, the interns report to different supervisors who oversee a certain department. My main job was working with the sponsorship program this summer, but there were so many other facets I…

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Final Week with CrossRoads (blog 10)

For my thank you notes I have two specific thank you notes, for my advisor and then the other person I worked most closely with. I also am giving the office a thank you note as well because I met with everyone and got to know everyone, but I did not necessarily work closely with…

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Week 8 at CrossRoads (blog 9)

I think one of the pieces of leadership I have learned from working here at CrossRoads is a leader in the type of community created at this office, is able to be a friend to all in the office but also is able to keep others on task and assure goals are met when things…

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Why Friends are “WICKED” Important to Make at yah Office

A pretty slow week here in Boston so I’m going to go a little bit more on the prompt’s topic and talk about my experiences with leadership here. I’ve definitely talked about this some in my previous blog posts but it’s been so interesting to me to see here how big of a difference a…

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Week 8 at Hangar

My internship has been extremely intensive the last few weeks and so it has been very hard to keep track of the days. We are opening our final Kids Stuff and Wedge shows this weekend and I have completed my last theoretical for the summer. Conversations between myself, as the designer, and the shop have…

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Week Five: It’s Back to Boring

Hi everyone, Things have been going really well at the internship, for example I have been handling more cases and have been given more responsibilities, but I am not enjoying what I am doing. Last week things were finally looking up, and I thought I was going to start really learning and enjoying my time,…

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Almost to the end

Because my internship is a little longer than 10 weeks, I’ll just write a quick update about some highlights from this past week at RMHC. I’ll be back next week with my final Week 10 blog post. This week was busy at RMHC, as we had a charity golf outing on Wednesday. I had to…

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Week #8 *Insert Clever Title Here*

I am still continuing to enroll people in studies and helping to do medical record reviews for the CMR-Impact Study. I also helped to enter in some of the data from the study that just ended, PARA-Heart which let paramedics determine a HEART score for patients in the field, which basically tells how bad they…

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Week #7!

People mostly work in teams in healthcare. Everyone always has a part, especially down in the ED. Doctors put in orders, but they are relying on nurses, respiratory therapists, lab technicians, radiologists, etc. to do their jobs. Without everyone working together, the patient would not get the care that they need as fast as they…

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Week 9

I took a week off but I’ll be back in the lab this week! As my time comes to an end, I’m leaning towards continuing research once the semester begins again. I think the internship has made me aware of how leadership structures are more relaxed in the research lab- the collaboration in each meeting…

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