F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 4: Short and Sweet

Addison Whitney was founded in 1991, a small branding firm with only three employees. Now AW is a global branding firm, led by inVentiv Health, headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina. The firm has other offices in the United States located at Seattle, Washington and New York City. Internationally, Addison Whitney has offices in London, Munich,…

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Week 4: Some AW History

This week I got to sit down with Addison Whitney’s Communications Manager, Matt, to talk about how AW got its start. The company is actually coming up on its 25th anniversary at the end of this week, so Matt was truly in the spirit of talking about the beginning times. It all started in 1991…

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Week 6: Culture

In terms of company culture, I want to first discuss the NWRA’s values. They place respect, trust, and communication high on their values list. These three values are at the heart of their mission statement: The National Waste and Recycling Association works to be the leading organization providing advocacy, research, education and safety expertise to…

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Week 3: The National Institutes of Health; the people

A quarter of the way done. How is that possible? So much left to do, so little time. It’s unbelievable how much I have already learned in my short time here, and I am so excited to see where the next six weeks take me. Wake Forest really represents at the NIH. I am a…

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Week 5: Bees are key to life!

This week has been very productive in my opinion. I have continued on my bee work, which includes contacting restaurant owners throughout the state to sign-on to a letter to the EPA recommending the ban on neonics. I have been writing Letters to the Editor to send to Georgia newspapers, and op-eds about how neonics…

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Week 4: Save the Bees! And Environment America

This week I did a lot of phone-banking trying to contact chefs and organic restaurants in the state of Georgia so that they can sign-on to a petition to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) on banning neonics, a deadly insecticide that kills bees. These efforts are apart of our “save the bees” campaign that I…

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Week 5: Update

Hello again, everyone! This week I would like to give you all an update as to how my work is coming along. Unfortunately due to the nature of the work I can’t detail exactly the progress I have made, but I can say I was able to complete my first hack this past week. Now,…

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Week 6: C4FVP Culture

Week 6 at the internship has been the busiest week yet! My days were very long, learning experiences! On Monday, I ventured to Martin County, almost forty minutes away from Greenville. The Martin County courthouse was an experience, as they only have one court room for the entire county! On Tuesday, I was back in…

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Week 5: Progress

The office has finally calmed down enough to where I can start projects. For the past few weeks, everyone’s energy has been focused on WasteExpo and my supervisors haven’t had enough time to train me in everything or give me long-term projects. So far, I have been doing interesting work but in small doses. For…

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Week 3: The AW Team

It’s hard to believe I’m already entering my third week of my internship at Addison Whitney. It feels like it’s flying by already. My days at the job definitely don’t drag on, and I think that’s because of the great people and the fact that they keep me busy! Addison Whitney is a global branding…

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