F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

The Growning Pains of a Startup Website- DeacLink

Katie and Kelsey have an interesting story when it comes to launching DeacLink. Katie and Kelsey graduated from Wake Forest in 2014 with degrees in Art History and found it difficult to find jobs before graudating. During their senior year they decided to pay for a weekend trip to New York City and meet with numerous of alumni. They stood in a rundown hostile that had a shared bathroom down the hall. It was an unforgettable experience. Katie and Kelsey reached out to as many Bew York City alumni as they possibly could. They spent one Saturday meeting with these alumni to discuss their successes after graduating. At one point they both were grabbing coffee ever 30 minutes with different alumni. I cannot imagine their caffeine intake by the end of the day. From this experience, both of my bosses got the job offers they were seeking. Unfortunately, they had to go through this experience because art/art history majors were being neglected. They both agree that it should not be that hard to communicate with Wake Forest Alumni. That is when they both came up with the idea of DeacLink.
One of the biggest growing pains working for a startup website such as DeacLink is not having full accessibility to my bosses. Unlike my past internship on Capitol Hill, DeacLink is a website. There is no office space or desk to work at. Both of my bosses have full-time jobs in different cities. Sometimes it can be difficult to communicate or coordinate with Katie and Kelsey because of DeacLink being so virtual . However, Katie and Kelsey have tried to handle this growning pain by coordinating a bi-weekly phone call and allowing for text message exchange. It can be difficult but we are all trying to figure it out.

nunet16 • June 28, 2018

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