F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week One

Hi everyone,

My name is Ludan Gbaye, I am a rising junior and in a couple of days I will be starting my very first internship! This summer I will be interning with the Mind Body Institute Beyond, PLLC, under the direct supervision of Dr. David L. Mount. My duties as an intern at this company is to advocate for disabled veterans to the Department of Veteran Affairs, and help these veterans obtain different services from the VA. Along with that, I will conduct interviews and write different reports on my findings from these interviews.

This summer I hoping to really narrow down what I want to do as my career. I’ve know for a while now that I wanted to go into mental health field, but for some time I have been torn between psychology and psychiatry. From the few times that I have talked to Dr. Mount I received a plethora of information about psychology and psychiatry and the politics of the mental health world. I am also hoping to become more familiar with the DSM, and learning more about diagnostics.

I’m very excited to start this internship, and I cannot wait to see what is in store for me!

gbayl16 • June 25, 2018

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