F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 1: DeacLink

Hello! My name is Tiffany Nunez and I am from Newark, NJ. I am a rising junior who plans to double major in communications and theatre. This summer I will be one of three interns for DeacLink, a Wake Forest networking initiative that aims to connect art, theatre, dance, and art history students at Wake Forest with alumni across various creative fields and industries.


As a DeacLink Intern, I am responsible for researching alumni to interview for the website. Once the interview is conducted, I must transcribe and post the information collected on to the DeacLink website. In order to make the best of this experience, I must create new strong and meaningful relationships that I can carry with me after graduation, learn to self-manage, as well as learn to navigate and manage a website. One of my goals during this internship is to interview at least seven alumni for the DeacLink by mid-August. My plan to achieve this goal is to interview one alumni each week. If I remain on track, I will be able to reach my goal in no time. My overall goal for the summer is to leave with everlasting relationships that I can take with me throughout my professional career after graduation. In order to cultivate these relationships I plan to follow-up and continually stay in contact with the alumni I interviewed via thank you notes and/or email updates.


The most challenging aspect of this internship is that all my duties must be conducted at home. I am not accustomed to having to roll out of bed and work from home. This first week was very difficult for me to grasp how to balance working at home, while not being distracted by common task throughout the day. In order to be efficient and focused during the work day, I have decided to get out of the house and work in a different atmosphere. This Friday I spent the day at a local cafe shop and found myself much more productive than when I was working from home.

I am excited to see what this internship has in store. Having a lot of love for the arts, I am happy that I get to interview Wake Forest alumni who majored in theatre. I get to listen to firsthand experiences and advice regarding their pathways to their careers. One aspect of this internship that is exciting to me is that I get to work with an all female alumni run company that carriers our alma mater in the company’s mission statement.

nunet16 • June 4, 2018

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