F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 2 in the books

If I had to think of one word that fully describes the nature of my internship, I would have to say “flexibility.” My supervisor has given me a list of bigger projects I am supposed to complete over the course of the summer, but what I do in the office is different on a day-to-day basis. For example, this week, I started working on one of my projects, which is to create a Volunteer Tool Kit for volunteer groups to use when they come to the House to participate in volunteer activities. The purpose of this kit is to streamline the process of welcoming volunteers and letting them know what they can help with, since the staff at the house rotates often; we needed to have a “turnkey” kit that is easy for groups to understand so that our volunteer activities could become more efficient. Additionally, I shadowed some of the regularly scheduled volunteer positions, such as sitting at the reception desk, so that in the event that a volunteer doesn’t show up for their shift, I could fill in for them.

After having worked at RMHC for a week now, my expectations for working here this summer are to become extremely familiar with everything that goes on behind the scenes of a large nonprofit like this. I have already gotten a lot of exposure, and I can only expect to keep growing this knowledge more and more as I get more acquainted with the ins and outs of RMHC.

One of my highlights from this week outside of work was that my 23-year-old sister came into town from NYC to surprise my parents for the weekend! I was in on the surprise and helped her plan the visit. It was so great to see her and have a relaxing long weekend (despite the 95 degree heat!). I’m looking forward to getting my hands dirty with more things to learn this week!

Libby Morris • May 29, 2018

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