F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Introductions (a little delayed!)

Hi everyone! I’m excited to be back for the second summer in a row as an FM Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend recipient. I was able to learn so much last summer because of this stipend and I can’t wait to learn even more about my professional passions throughout the course of this summer as well. I’m from Chicago, so I’m excited to be back this summer working at Ronald McDonald House (RMHC) near Lurie Children’s Hospital as an Administrative Intern. School-wise, I’m a rising senior at Wake and a double major in Communication and French, with the ultimate dream of working in the nonprofit world to promote social advocacy post-grad. On campus, I am the new director for the Lilting Banshees Sketch Comedy Troupe, as well as a member of the Gamma Kappa chapter of Delta Delta Delta. In all of my free time this summer, I will be preparing to write my Honors French Thesis by reading a bunch of French novels, as well as spending time in downtown Chicago with family and friends.

At RMHC this summer, I hope to gain a broader sense of knowledge about the nonprofit industry in general. As an administrative intern, I will most likely be tasked with a wide array of things to do based on the needs for that day- which is exactly what I want to experience. Many professionals in the nonprofit sector have told me time and time again that it is important to be able to wear many different hats when you work with nonprofits, due to low budgets, small staffs, and a whole host of other components. With that in mind, my overall goal for this summer is to be able to log meaningful, hands-on experience at one of the most popular nonprofits around the world. Here’s to a fruitful summer!

Libby Morris • May 29, 2018

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