F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Political Power of Laughter, Georgetown, and Preparing for the Last Week

I cannot believe that next week will be my last week working at Ayuda. This week I spent time beginning to wrap up loose ends and thinking about all of things I am going to miss about my routine in D.C. (one that has become quite comfortable by now).

The highlight of my work week was a night of stand-up comedy that Ayuda organized in order to raise funds and awareness for the organization. I had never been to a stand-up show before and it reminded me that comedy can be a tool for healing and for the sharing of human experiences.

Earlier this summer I learned that I was accepted to attend the PPIA Public Service Weekend Global Leaders Forum: World Affairs and the Changing Landscape organized by Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service and McCourt School of Public Policy. It started on Friday and just ended today (to explain the late post). In these three days I learned so much about careers in the foreign service and international relations that I will only touch upon the highlights of the weekend.

I loved meeting other students interested in international affairs but whose interests were shaped by experiences and approaches different from my own. Of the 20 students attending, there were students from Temple University, Harvard College, Yale University, University of Pennsylvania, McDaniel College, American University, Cornell University, and more. I loved meeting these inspiring people and working with them on various case studies throughout the weekend where it was interesting to watch the ways in which we worked similarly and differently when analyzing information and applying ethical reasoning.

The speakers were incredible. I especially enjoyed hearing Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield (Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs). Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield reflected on her career in public service from being in Rwanda during the genocide to witnessing how the more recent Ebola health crisis devastated Liberia. I also enjoyed lectures on how identity shapes our perception of world events, how the international scene has changes over the years, and on career options for those interested in foreign service (described via a GU McCourt and SFS alumni panel).

This was a wonderful way to spend my last weekend in D.C. and the week got off to a good start after watching the Nationals win the game I went to last weekend!

lerusm15 • August 6, 2017

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