F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

And That’s a Wrap

This summer has flown by so quickly, and I actually hate to see my internship come to an end. I thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity, and I want to thank the OPCD for allowing it to happen. As I sit here typing this (one handed might I add, due to a rotator cuff surgery at the end of last week), I can’t help but to reflect on all of the knowledge I gained, through both experience and conversation. I learned so much about a field in which I thought I already had extensive knowledge. I learned that the medical field is a carefully calibrated machine, in which there are a ton of moving parts. Make one mistake, and it can change the course of events for a much larger scale operation. Overall, I learned to be patient, but persistent. Through working directly with residents, I learned there will be tons of obstacles in the way which hinder you from completing a task, but you must be diligent. There will always be a way around these obstacles, and a way to complete your assigned task. If I had one piece of advice to give next year’s interns, it would be “Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, or ask questions.” When I began this job in May, I assumed I would kind of float around and gain an understanding of my assigned task on my own, but I quickly learned I would need help. You superiors, though probably busy, usually don’t see being asked questions annoying, rather see that you want to succeed at your position. I would say that my goals for this internship were reached, in that I gained an understanding of this facet of the medical field, as well as interacted one on one with patients and providers. This internship has definitely solidified my need to be in the healthcare field, and only increased my interest in medical sales.

ingrzl14 • August 4, 2017

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