F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 9

As my internship is winding down, I reflect on the leadership that I have observed often. I have learned a ton about teamwork skills, as well as leadership. Considering I worked directly under a transition nurse and a team leader, I was often delegated tasks to complete from different people. I was often in different locations including hospitals and rehabilitation homes to complete these tasks. I realized how hard it would have to be to organize and plan the location of all of the employees who work under these leaders. I respect their hard work and determination in order to make things run smoothly. I have learned how fast-paced and intense the medical field can be. I also learned about how tough the “behind the scenes” jobs are within the medical field. I learned to be efficient, and manage my time effectively. I spoke with medical professionals, as well as patients and their families, in order to communicate needs and concerns. One highlight from my week was the bond I made with a patient at one of the rehab homes. He also went to Wake Forest, where we played baseball. We discussed the school, as well as my career goals. It was great to form a bond with a patient as a friend, rather than just a patient and employee.

ingrzl14 • July 26, 2017

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