F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week #8

Hey all,

I’ve been making significant process on the asset-mapping project. I’ve now read through quite a few of the studies that are out there, and the team at Drexel has done so as well. We’ve gotten a good overview of the available research out there (both in terms of quantity and quality) and are now able to much better understand how future research should be directed to enhance our advocacy efforts.

I also made good progress on the other project I am currently working on – a case study that showcases how well a Community Schools approach works. It is part of a larger body of similar case studies that my boss has already compiled with the intent to publish these case studies as individual chapters in a book. My boss had previously written up rough drafts of the individual case studies, and she asked me to help her decide which case study we would move forward with first. She then asked me to go through the case study and give her recommendations on possible edits. Editing other peoples work (as opposed to my own) isn’t a task that I’m particularly used to, as it’s not something that I’ve really done in any of my classes, so it was great to get some practice in.

It’s been an interesting week, and I’m looking forward to the next one (although it will be my last).

Till next week,


fiscs14 • July 24, 2017

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