F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

My Favorite Museum!!

Washington D.C. is definitely one of the most exciting places to celebrate the 4th of July! It was also probably the hottest, most humid day I’ve experienced so far this summer. My friends and I celebrated by going to the dress rehearsal for the A Capitol Fourth concert where The Beach Boys and the National Symphony Orchestra performed! We also went to the big Independence Day parade on Constitution Avenue which was a lot of fun! It was the longest, but most entertaining parade I have ever seen! After that, we went to see Wonder Woman in theaters and then watched the magical fireworks show from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. It was a spectacular day!

I was only in the office on Thursday and Friday this past week, but we had a lot of work to do in preparation for our next big conference called Young Women Run! The culture of Running Start as an organization is centered on the importance of making connections, networking, and mentoring. Running Start is big on ensuring that alumni are paired with younger women interested in running for office to serve as a guide and a mentor! Running Start works hard to develop relationships with other nonprofit organizations in the D.C. area and around the nation and world that are dedicated to young women in politics at the local and national level. The organization also works hard to maintain relationships with Congresswoman and Congressmen that support our mission!

The highlight of my week was definitely exploring the JFK exhibit at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. I felt as if I was watching a movie of his life as I walked through the exhibit. It was incredibly moving and inspirational to see photographs of JFK as a Marine Corps Officer and hanging out with his children and Jackie Kennedy in the oval office. It is a must-see! 🙂


Daniella Feijoo

Class of 2019

feijdm15 • July 9, 2017

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