F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Before The First Day

Hey there everyone! My name is Kevin Liu and I am a rising junior at Wake Forest. A math and numbers geek at heart, I am a Mathematical Economics major with an intended minor in Computer Science. On campus, I’ve been involved with organizations like Students for Education Reform, Campus Kitchen, and El Buen Pastor. They have given me the opportunity to meet, work with, and learn from a diverse group of people from all throughout Winston-Salem. Without these experiences, I’m sure that I would not be the person that I am today and certainly not someone who also intends to minor in Anthropology.

Starting next week, I will begin my Data Operations internship at Eyeota. As anyone would be before their first day at the job, I look forward to begin working. For me however, I am especially thrilled because I will be working in Singapore! Working abroad had always seemed to be a pipe dream of mine and now that I have been given this opportunity, I hope to be able to prove that I can adapt to this international work environment and start on a network that spans the world. At Eyeota, I will basically be working with data, helping to get that data to others, and working on improving operational flows. Since I had planned on working with Big Data after getting out of college, this internship will be instrumental in giving me a great first look into how different aspects of teams work together to make sense of such complex data.

While working abroad at Eyeota is an opportunity that I’m very grateful for, I can’t say that I’m not as equally excited for the food and vibrant city-life that await me as well! For now, however, I will curb my excitement and prepare myself for the 24 hour plane ride there. See you all next week!

liuk15 • May 28, 2017

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