F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 7: Working Environment

As mentioned in some of my earlier posts, Addison Whitney is made up of different departments and teams. There are four main teams that offer different services to clients: verbal, visual, brand strategy, and market research. AW also has a project management team and a marketing team outside of the four service teams. Within all of these different teams, everyone works independently on different projects and then come together. I’m not entirely confident on how the other teams do their independent and then team work, but I can speak confidently about the market research team.

The market research team consists of four members. When a new project comes in, it is assigned to a member who then becomes the project lead. Throughout the project when the lead has completed important tasks, such as a questionnaire, survey link, or deck shell, he/she will send that material to the other members to review and check that everything is correct.

The market research team also has a team meeting every Tuesday morning. During the meeting, we use Tom’s Planner (an online planner that the team uses to keep track of projects) to discuss the progress of everyone’s projects and if anyone needs help with anything for the day or rest of the week.

I am a big fan of this kind of working environment because I am the type of person that enjoys working independently and then coming together with others to discuss things.

The highlight of my week is extremely similar to my highlight last week (sorry!). This week I launched another project that I will be managing until I leave in August. I launched my first one last week, which I mentioned in the previous post, and I was excited to launch my second one this week. I now have two name validation projects in the field and that are all my own (again, with help from the team). I’m nervous to be managing these projects because I’ve never done this before, but at the same time I’m excited because I’ll have the opportunity to use everything I have learned during the internship thus far.

jenntm13 • July 17, 2016

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