F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 9: Social Media

Since I still have 3 weeks to go, I am repeating the prompt from Week #5. Also I am writing the blog today because I worked Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week (instead of Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and will be in New York this weekend.

Yesterday I learned more about our social media management. We use Sprout Social to create and send out our posts, and my supervisor taught me how to use it. One feature of Sprout Social is the analytics. My boss is giving me more responsibility and wanted me to edit and “jazz up” our annual department board report. So I’ve been using Sprout Social to retrieve the graphs and statistics from our Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and etc. I utilized my English major/publishing intern skills and proofread the whole board report. Plus, I got to tip my toes back into Google AdWords. I worked with AdWords for Waste Connections, and since my boss knew that, she told me to start researching AdWords for the NWRA. We’re a nonprofit, and AdWords allows certain nonprofits free advertising. The free advertising surprised me, as a nonprofit can use up to $40,000 free for Google Ads. That’s incredible, and very helpful to nonprofits around the world. I really commend Google. The more I learn about Google the more I want to work there…

One highlight of my week was training the new intern. She’ll be working when I’m not, so Tuesday and Thursday. In training her, I realized I really have learned a lot here and that I’m also a good teacher. In explaining which articles to choose for daily clips, I realized I have a lot of knowledge about this industry since I’ve been in it for two years now. I feel pride in my role here at the organization.


berrcl13 • July 13, 2016

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