F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 7: Progress

This past week at the office, one of the victim’s advocates was out on vacation. Because of this, I was able to get more experience working as an advocate. On Tuesday, five people came to file a domestic violence protective order! Most showed up around the same time. While the two advocates met with clients, I was able to complete the intake questions and process for two of the women. This was a good experience for me as I was able to take on the task and role as an advocate. However, there are still many things that I need to learn as each client is different and has different needs! I was very happy though when one of the clients told me I made her feel listened to and appreciated.

In terms of the work environment, this week I really witnessed a lot of teamwork at the office. With four to six people out of the office each day, everyone truly had to rely on one another to get the job done. Whether it was answering the phone, referring clients, or actually meeting with individuals, the whole staff had to contribute in order to keep things running smoothly. As I reflect on the internship so far, I feel that I have really become one with the staff at the Center for Family Violence Prevention.

scalam14 • June 27, 2016

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