F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Endings are hard

Sorry for the delay for this post, I’ve not felt amazing this weekend, and didn’t just want to rush this out.

This last week was my final one at the Shaw research group. I head in this week only to clean up/out my station, and turn in my lab notebook. It fee=ls strange to be saying goodbye, to say the least. It feels almost like it did last year, but this time I feel more complete. I’ve had all summer to focus on one thing, and one thing only. Me development as a scientist. Every day, Dr. Shaw challenged me to find questions that interested me, and to design experiments to test them. Practicing the scientific method, but on real science. Many of my questions had no conclusive answers, but added to the wealth of knowledge that the research team had, and will hopefully lead to need discoveries down the road. I am immensely grateful to have this experience, as an open sandbox to practice real science in is a rare thing. So to everyone who made this happen, at Wake, at Appalachia State, and everyone who has been reading along, thank you for being a part of this experience for me. I will never forget it!


Ian Winek


wineia15 • July 30, 2018

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