F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week Six: Same Old, Same Old

Hi everyone,

As the title of this post suggest I’m still doing the same things week after week and because of this I’m really looking forward to the end of this internship. I’ve been given so more responsibilities, for example I’m not only hearing PTSD cases but some cases about other mental illnesses. Interestingly enough I’ve been offered a position at the company when I return from abroad, but we’ll see how I feel about that when the time comes around.

The culture of this company is a mix of professionals, grad students trying to act professional, and undergrads trying to learn the ropes. For example, even though the secretary of the company said that we are supposed to only dress business professional, I’m truly the only person that does that; people really wear what they want under the guise of it being professional. I feel like the office is really sterile, and it’s probably because of the business that the company conducts; people come in everyday talking about trauma and other mental and physical illnesses. When it concerns the actual staffers currently there are two undergrads and the rest grad students, so it’s not really an environment where you become friends with your coworkers. Also, a lot of people only do this job for short periods of time, so my might see someone one day, and then never see them again.

The highlight of my week has been the knowledge that I have gained on how to write. Since I started this internship, the way I write medically has improved drastically. This week I learned about what verbage and adjectives that one should use to to talk to VA raters and adjudicators, so that was really fascinating. Tomorrow I start a new week, so let’s see what new things I will learn!

gbayl16 • July 30, 2018

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