F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Taking Initiative 7.29.18- Payton Calvert

This summer has taught me many things; too many to count. One specific lesson pertains to leadership. Because so much is going on at GSF, the interns report to different supervisors who oversee a certain department. My main job was working with the sponsorship program this summer, but there were so many other facets I was interested in understanding. My job allowed me flexible hours to write letters with the kids when it worked best in their schedules. Because of this flexibility and the kindhearted staff here, I was able to be forthright in asking to shadow and learn about aspects of Good Shepherd’s Fold, outside of sponsorship, as well. This required me taking the lead concerning what I wanted to get out of this summer; and I am so glad I did. In some situations, I was hesitant to ask so as not to appear ungrateful for the placement I had been given. I love working with the kids to write letters and I treasure the opportunities to get to know the kids I have had because of it. Personally, I enjoy having a full schedule and learning as much as possible. This summer has highlighted this quality within me and, in some instances, forced me to take initiative to ask to get plugged in with different departments of my interest. Because of this pining after knowledge of how GSF runs certain departments, I have acknowledged an amplified desire to learn more about social work, as I have mentioned in previous posts. This summer has been full of opportunity due to the fact that while I had a designated department with specified tasks, I also had a plethora of fields being practiced around me to learn from. From the school, the community development programs, the childcare and advocacy programs, and so many more, I have been able to learn how their agendas operate and that has made this internship even more full.

My last full week here (I leave this coming Thursday) has been so incredible, that it’s hard to pick just one highlight. However, working in the tailoring shop with “Big David” as he is affectionately called, was definitely a standout. Two weeks ago I went to meet “Big David” and his students and hear his testimony with a visiting team. I asked him if I got material in town if he would help me sew something with him and his students, since I love to sew. He said of course that would be fine and so this week I returned and they helped me make a kimono. He also asked me to lead the devotions on Wednesday where I was able to share my testimony with the women he is instructing. In addition to learning how the tailoring school operates, I will treasure the opportunity I have had to get to know the women and share some of the ways God has worked in my life so far. They taught me some sewing tricks and one woman in particular took it on as her mission to teach me Luganda! We sat together and she giggled as I mispronounced the phrases she spelled out for me. I gained perspective, knowledge, and new friends this week, and for that I am so grateful.

calvpe16 • July 29, 2018

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