F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 8: The Final Week

Now that my time at Royalty Marketing is over I am feeling good for multiple reasons. Because of this internship, I was able to learn so much about the world of creative marketing and myself. My boss Daryl taught me some very important things about his business and being an entrepreneur. I gained experience as well as a mentor that I can now go to for help in reaching my own entrepreneurial goals. During my time at Royalty Marketing, I got the chance to see how a business is run on a daily basis and this allowed me to establish a list of the pros and cons of entrepreneurship.

Personally, I achieved my goals for the summer. I went in every day and tackled new challenges with different solutions. I loved the change in the pace of the work environment and the support that I was able to offer the business even with my limited skill set. That is one of my largest takeaways of the summer I feel. It made me realize that you can never have too many skills and that having multiple skills can make you extremely valuable in the workplace, but honing in on a few skills is also very important. Although I did not always have the right skill set for my internship it did not stop me from getting things done.

I feel as though this internship has really given me the opportunity to grow my career interest even beyond wanting to own my own business. Now I have become interested in music management because one of our clients sparked something within me. This internship really opened my eyes to so many different possibilities for my future. I still do not know specifically where life is taking me, but I do know that I am gaining the skills and ambition to get there and when I am there I will know it. One piece of advice I would give to next years interns would be to always think of things in terms of multiple perspectives. For me this summer I had to think of things in terms of what is positive/negative from an employee, business owner, and client perspective. Using this mindset was how we were able to get the best results.

This summer has been an unforgettable experience and I am really glad that I met Daryl. I am also really grateful to have been a Kirby Grant recipient this summer.

martdi16 • July 15, 2018

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