F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

another day, another step

The fourth of July was wonderful, but as always, it felt good to be back in the lab.

Another week brought more new challenges and questions. Transitions into attempting to use a solid feedstock oil (what I use to make biodiesel fuel) were challenging at first, but worked better than I expected. Still, questions on how to best work with a solid oil remain, however I am hopeful that answers will reveal themselves. It has been fun to do something a little different though, many of my experiments feel very similar, and having to account for something new is interesting.

Recent questions about the nanoreactors used for these experiments have also come up, and drive discussion of the science and chemistry of what we are doing into new areas, as we begin to wrestle with the questions of how these nanoreactors work. It is very cool to be on the forefront of new science and technology, and to try to puzzle through as a group new and interesting ideas. Either way, I find these challenges fun most of all.

wineia15 • July 14, 2018

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