F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week #6 :)

Last week was really a great week. I got to interact more and learn more about the two new girls that were just hired, Danielle and Kayla, and form even stronger relationships with the other members of the research team. With that being said, the culture within the Emergency Medicine Research Department is very supportive and encouraging from what I have seen. Of course, there is a push to get more and more people enrolled in studies (everyone always wants more which is understandable); however, the people are so open and friendly. I could not have asked for a better group of girls to work directly with or a better group of administrators and physicians to work alongside.

Of course, there are certain attendings, residents, an nurses down in the ED that never seem to have a good day, but you quickly learn who those are and how to deal with them in the best way possible. Not everyone is always going to be cooperative, but that is something you just have to get over. You have to let them know that you need to get your job done, just like they are trying to get their job done. It is important for them to understand the importance of clinical research. While it never trumps the clinical care that the patient is receiving in the ED, it is important to note that most of the techniques, tests, vaccinations, etc. we use today would not have been implemented if it wasn’t for research. Research will never stop because there is always somehow you can improve healthcare, which is important for the whole ED staff to know.

One highlight from my week was getting to be the feature in the ED Research Bulletin , which said: “We are excited to have Kandis with us as our summer intern. Kandis is a rising senior at Wake Forest studying biology with pre-med concentration. She hopes to attend medical school in the future. Originally from Wilkes, she enjoys travelling, especially to Charleston, SC. Her favorite places to eat are Applebee’s and McDonalds. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking and doing crafts. Her specialty is chicken fried rice. Spirit Animal: Giraffe” I appreciate this recognition of the hard work I have put in this summer so far. I love my internship!


mcnekr15 • July 12, 2018

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