F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 6 at CrossRoads (blog 7)

At CrossRoads there is a mixture of working together and in groups. When working with a client the advocate works independently through one-on-one sessions with the client. While the client may only see one advocate and work with one person, there may be times when behind the scenes many people are working together on one case. The group work can be highlighted when clients use all the different resources CrossRoads offers, forensic interviews, medical visits, and therapy. When the client uses all these resources they will get to meet a team of people that are working with them. If a client needs or wants only to speak with an advocate and not take further steps this can be where you see more of the independent work. Though the work being done with clients may be independent, to maintain privacy, much of the organization of records and information is managed by some other people in the office. At the end of the day, the work being done is only completed when all people are able to do their work to help ensure that the clients are getting the help and resources they need.
My highlight this week was getting to be a part of a big announcement that CrossRoads made in regard to their future. CrossRoads announced that Alamance for Freedom, which is the anti-human trafficking organization in Alamance County, would be becoming a part of CrossRoads. They have already worked closely together in the past so the way in which the organizations work will not change too drastically. Although CrossRoads, now with Alamance for Freedom, will be able to lease the whole building that CrossRoads is currently in. They will be expanding the upstairs area into the human trafficking and adult sexual advocacy part and the place CrossRoads is in now will become completely the CrossRoads Children’s Advocacy Center. I think this is an awesome step forward for both organizations!

kennej15 • July 8, 2018

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