F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week Three: You Can Feel the Tension

Hey everyone,

So I am an intern at the Mind Body Institute Beyond here in Winston, and it is owned and operated by Dr. David Mount. Dr. Mount is one of the few doctors in this area that the VA trust to carry out psychological evaluations for the veterans that come to the VA seeking benefits. So the structure of the company is like this: the VA wants to obtain a case evaluation and so they use satellites like QTC and LHI to handle the logistics of the evaluations; these satellites then hand down the case to Dr. Mount and his team who do the actual evaluations; once the evaluation is finished the the workers or interns the MBIB complete a report and they send to Dr, Mount; after Dr. Mount analyzes the report, he signs and sends it back to the satellite companies who send it back to the VA. Most of the people that I work with are psych or neuroscience grad students, and I would says it’s really different experience for me as an undergrad because many of the people are trying to obtain a permanent position here and I am not, and they competitiveness can be felt. The internship is really different from what I thought it would be, but I still have many more weeks left so maybe it’ll change for the better.

gbayl16 • July 8, 2018

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