F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week Three: Shoreline, Beverly Hills

Hi Everyone!

Here’s a bit about Shoreline: Shoreline Entertainment is a films sales, distribution, and production company. Shoreline acts as an intermediary between filmmakers and distribution platforms (i.e. theaters, online streaming sites, etc.) to help independent films find distribution. Shoreline attends many major film festivals around the world (Sundance, Cannes, Venice, etc.) searching for films the company can potentially sign and represent.

This summer, I am interning with the acquisitions department at Shoreline’s LA office. I’m working directly under Melody Djavadi, Shoreline’s VP of Acquisitions. Melody manages and approves of all the completed film projects the company is looking to sign. Since I’m Melody’s intern, I’m tasked with helping to find films that Shoreline may potentially sign. Each week, I find about 10 new film projects in post-production that I can reach out to on Shoreline’s behalf to try to sign the film.

I really like everything I’m working on and everyone I’m working with at Shoreline, so its hard to find a specific moment to highlight. One moment stands out for me though. I found the feature version of a short film I saw a few years ago on Vimeo. I suggested the film to Melody as one of the 10 films I find each week, so, if all goes well and Melody approves, I’ll be able to personally reach out to the filmmakers for this project and begin talks with them about looking into signing with Shoreline as the films sales representative. If all goes well, I’ll be able to (hopefully) meet the filmmakers and sit in on the meeting where the sales deal is signed. Fingers crossed!

-Courtney Geiger

geigcn15 • July 6, 2018

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