F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 4: The City of Charlotte

Interning with Councilwoman Ajmera, meetings and council meetings are located at the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center. The mayor and city council formed in 1929 from Commission Form to Council-Manager form. The first elections for an at-large mayor and four councilmen for a term of two years were held in 1929. Today, there is one at-large mayor, three at-large councilmen, and seven district representatives. Councilwoman Ajmera began her term in 2017 and is up for re-election in 2019. For Councilwoman Ajmera, the most difficult part is campaigning especially fundraising. She plans on starting early so that she can meet with voters and gain enough money to fund a successful campaign. Councilwoman Ajmera continues to be an active councilwoman by attending many events in Charlotte and using social media to convey her message and show Charlotteans what she has accomplished as well as her visions for the city.

A highlight of this week was finally finishing the biography page that I have been working on. The bio page is for publication that the councilwoman is featured in. It went through numerous edits but I was able to work with the director of communications and the councilwoman to finalize a draft that she liked. I am looking forward to working on more biography pages in the future for her website and the city council page.


venare16 • July 4, 2018

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