F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 6: Company Culture

Its been another awesome week here at Royalty Marketing and time has really flown by. What I am starting to realize about myself is that I really enjoy the change in pace of owning your own business. We come in each day to a new situation, a new job to do, a new client, or a new work-related problem. Learning how to adapt and deal with the changing workplace has been an enjoyable process for me. Beyond the technical skills of this job, I have learned that communication skills are essential.

As far as company culture goes I really have no reason to complain. I get to work in one of the most casually professional environments and my boss is awesome. One of biggest values in our office is independence. I along with everyone else on the team have been given independence to complete projects and work at our own pace to produce quality work. Our company values independence and personal creativity. Overall, I could not ask for a better workplace environment. It is extremely comfortable and allows me to work side-by-side with so many creative professionals.

The highlight of my week was attending my annual family reunion and see my mom. I also got to hang out with my girlfriend and my cousins from Chicago. I have to say that this past week was a really good one.

martdi16 • July 2, 2018

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