F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week Ten: Full Circle

Hi everyone,

It’s been a wonderful summer, and I’m sad to see it ending because it was such and wonderful and informative experience. I’ve learned a lot this summer, mostly what I do not want to do as a career. This summer has turned everything that I once thought about mental health upside down. This internship has taught me a lot about myself and what my limitations will be as a healthcare professional. I also learned that I cannot work with patients with PTSD because I just do not have that mental shield to not take their problems home with me. I was also taught about how to behave in the workplace and the meaning of professionalism. As an undergrad I do not really have the chance to be in professional circles while on campus, and so before I got this internship about the corporate world and how to conduct yourself in corporate America.

Like in said in the previous post, I have been offered a job when I returned, but I am still on the fence about accepting just because of the heavy emotional toll that it takes on you. With this aside I really enjoyed interning at the Mind Body Institute Beyond and all of the knowledge that I gained from working under Dr. Mount. It has really been an experience that I will never forget and has really helped me decipher what I want my career to be.


gbayl16 • August 14, 2018

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