F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week Seven: Shoreline, Beverly Hills and Larry King sighting!

For the most part, working at Shoreline means you work independently, especially for interns like myself. Because we are responsible for screening new films, finding news films, and covering new films we mostly complete our work independently until we need to report to our supervisor Melody. The other staff at Shoreline, however, tend to work together more simply because their jobs often require some departmental overlap. For example, the director of development at Shoreline frequently takes meetings with the company CEO or the VP of Operations when there’s a new project that Shoreline could invest in. Although he finds and screens (usually sending some to me) the new projects on his own, a big part of his job is connecting with others to get a project approved.

A definte highlight for this week is that I saw Larry King at a restaurant during one of my lunch breaks! Apparently, Mr. King goes to the same Brooklyn Bagel place in Beverly Hills everyday around the same time. So, when I sat down to eat my bagel (which was very good) I looked up casually and there he was in the flesh taking a picture with a fan. No bodyguard, nothing. He was just getting a bagel from his favorite bagel place. Everyone was super casual about it, much to my surprise. Seeing Larry King (and the delicious bagel I ate) will definitely go down as highlight of this internship experience with Shoreline!


geigcn15 • August 6, 2018

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