F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week Seven: I’m Torn

Hi everyone,

Things are going well at MBIB, like at said last week I’ve been offered a job when I return from my Fall semester abroad. The reason I’m torn is because I’m starting to like the work environment more, for example I’m starting to learn more about psychiatry and psychology from my boss and co-workers, but my actual job is really hard; I just don’t know if I can handle these traumatic stories during a already stressful semester.

All the work done at MBIB is individual, but sometimes teamwork does come into play. For example, last week a client had come in three hours early for their interview, so we all had to quickly revise the schedule to accommodate her. Another way that we employ teamwork is when we have to write our reports, I sometimes ask the employees who have been there longer for advice on how to write and structure my report. Other than those instances, it’s everyone for themselves and at times it can be quite hostile. The reason for the hostility is because people who work there are mostly grad students and are doing this job to build up there resumes for their masters or PHD programs. People sometimes want to prove how fast and accurate they are with their reports so that they can get assigned more cases. Another thing is our work environment isn’t playful, people that work their have to deal with a lot of heavy topics and so that influences how we interact with each other. MBIB isn’t for the faint of heart and you don’t go there to make friends, but it’s a great place to learn about clinical psychology.

gbayl16 • August 6, 2018

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