F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Goodbye for Now- The Final Blog

I cannot believe that this is my final week at DeacLink. I must thank Katie and Kelsey for affording me this opportunity as one of their first interns. Although, we are a tiny team, I am so thankful I could intern alongside both of them. I owe both of my bosses a big thank you letter.

Overall, my internship was not what I expected. I ended up tackling on more projects than expected and meeting some incredible alumni. I am happy to figure out that working from home is not what I want to be doing in the future. It is very hard to keep focus on the task at hand when I am home with no supervision. I learned that I must be in a working environment in order to produce the work I need to.

I am happy to say that I have achieved the goals I set this summer. My main goal was to interview several alumni before I pass my torch on to the next intern. Gladly, I met my quota and now all I must do is post the interviews on our blog.

Before I leave DeacLink, the best piece of advice I can offer to the next intern is to interview whichever alumni they can . The best part of this internship is the people you connect with and grow relationships with. Best piece of advice is to make sure to keep in touch and follow up with thank you notes.

Although, it is bitter to be wrapping up this internship, I am ready to train the next intern. As the first DeacLink intern, I have so must to teach the next batch of interns to come along. I am excited to see how far Kelsey and Katie take take the blog and will be missing being apart of the DeacLink team.

nunet16 • August 6, 2018

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