F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Finishing Well 8.5.18- Payton Calvert

This internship was beyond amazing. One of the most valuable aspects of my scenario was the fact that I had no expectations of what this would be like, and this forced me to be open to things unplanned for. This is not how I usually function but it was such a refreshing change of pace. During the duration of my internship I learned about cultural differences, childcare, fundraising for nonprofits, social work, having and giving grace, and so much more. I was strengthened in my faith in many ways and faced many tough questions about why things are the way they are. The entire venture was a learning experience and pushed me in ways I have never been pushed before. I was unclear at the beginning of the summer of what goals to create for myself because of the ambiguity I felt concerning what it would all be like, but I feel like I achieved my goal of keeping an open mind in order to obtain a maximum amount from this summer. This internship has encouraged me to keep my mind and heart open to possible long term international work and definitely helped direct me in the way of social work. If I was to give next year’s interns a piece of advice, I would tell them to not get in the way of what God wants to do with their summer; but to humble themselves and ask for Him to open their hearts and eyes to what He has for them. He is faithful and will do greater things than we could ever imagine!

calvpe16 • August 6, 2018

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