F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 9

This is my ninth week at The Hangar Theatre and my schedule has begun to pick up. Previously I had been working as an assistant while designing theoretical productions or working on Seussical Jr. However, as Seussical tech has gotten closer i have been given more and more responsibility. I am very much enjoying my new role as lead designer and I hope to be performing above expectations. I understand that theatre is collaborative and that educational theatre cannot incorporate all of professional theatre; but I was not expecting there to be as many people with which to communicate. I have had to learn that all of production management and stage management must be included on all emails in order to perform their duties. This has been an extreme learning curve for me as I am used to having these conversations in person and not used to having a production manager. I am learning so much about the true workings of professional theatre.

This level of responsibility has been clear in both the design side and the technical side of this process. Our show is not given a specific predetermined budget; we must divvy the money up ourselves. This means that we must make difficult decisions not only for our designs individually but for the show as a whole.

I have learned that people must be put under great pressure to make difficult decisions and if you are able to make those decisions without guidance you will make life easier for those with which you are working. I have greatly enjoyed this learning process and i do not think I will ever forget what Hangar is teaching me.

rodgej15 • August 2, 2018

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