F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Final Week at Hangar

I will be writing ten handwritten thank you notes for the people who taught me, worked with me, and helped me with my internship. Many of my thank you notes came with a gift of some sort and have already gone out but I will be sending several more to those I could not find…

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Week Nine: Shoreline (final post)

The time I’ve spent working with Shoreline this summer has been a wonderful learning experience for me. I’ve learned so much that I’m sure I will carry my into my future career. Overall, the internship turned out to be everything I expected it to be. Over the course of my internship, I screened about 20…

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My Final Week at the Charlotte City Council

It is extremely hard to believe that the summer is over and that my internship has come to an end. Although I received a new internship experience and liked some aspects of the internship, I expected this internship to be a little different. I enjoyed how involved I was in the Charlotte community by attending…

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Week Ten: Full Circle

Hi everyone, It’s been a wonderful summer, and I’m sad to see it ending because it was such and wonderful and informative experience. I’ve learned a lot this summer, mostly what I do not want to do as a career. This summer has turned everything that I once thought about mental health upside down. This…

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Week Eight: Shoreline

Hi Everyone! I’ve learned a lot while working with Shoreline this summer. I’ve learned a lot about the company itself as well as how the sales and distribution side of the film industry truly operate. Some of the most useful information I’ve learned working with Shoreline, is how to get your work shown to sales…

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Last Week in EM Research For Now

Last week was the last week of my internship with Emergency Medicine Research at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. It was a wonderful end with a meeting on my last day where there were doughnuts provided and a gift for my time there. Everyone had great things to say and they even invited me back…

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Week 10 at Hangar

This is my second to last week working at the Hangar Theatre. Seussical Jr. opened today and this week of tech has showed me the true complexities of being a theatrical designer. One must be able to protect both the design and the people building said design. Designers must work to create a tangible representation…

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Goodbye for Now- The Final Blog

I cannot believe that this is my final week at DeacLink. I must thank Katie and Kelsey for affording me this opportunity as one of their first interns. Although, we are a tiny team, I am so thankful I could intern alongside both of them. I owe both of my bosses a big thank you…

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Finishing Well 8.5.18- Payton Calvert

This internship was beyond amazing. One of the most valuable aspects of my scenario was the fact that I had no expectations of what this would be like, and this forced me to be open to things unplanned for. This is not how I usually function but it was such a refreshing change of pace….

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Week Seven: Shoreline, Beverly Hills and Larry King sighting!

For the most part, working at Shoreline means you work independently, especially for interns like myself. Because we are responsible for screening new films, finding news films, and covering new films we mostly complete our work independently until we need to report to our supervisor Melody. The other staff at Shoreline, however, tend to work…

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