F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Houston… We Have a DCP “Prahblem”

This past week has been a bit of a whirl wind for me. I have now started consistently working on my research project looking at the criminal records of those who OD’d in the past two years to look for patterns in their criminal histories. The typical trend for these people seems to be drug…

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Week 7 at Hangar

Since theatre is a collaborative art everyone works both in teams and independently. I have worked on my drafting alone and my paint elevations alone but I run them by my director before turning them into the shops. So I work by myself but simultaneously with my design and production team. I appreciate being able…

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An amazing week!

It is incredible to think that summer is almost over and the first day of class is around the corner! A lot of the work at the organization I am interning at is done alone. For example, the paralegals do the intakes alone and then the attorneys need to work alone at times to draft…

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Week 6: The Culture of the Charlotte City Council

Interning with the local government has been a very different experience for me, in comparsion to my last internship, interning with a political-communications organization as a campaign management intern. Some differences that I have noticed are with Councilwoman Ajmera, I work closely with her rather than reporting to a supervisor, I have direct contact with…

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Independence and Coding- DeacLink

Unlike some of my past internships, I honestly enjoy working for DeacLink. The DeacLink team only consists of four employees. Each one of us works independently throughout the entire week. Although, we work separately, at the beginning of each week we call to discuss our expectations for the week and how things are progressing. I…

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Week Four: Finally Things Are Picking Up

Hi everyone, For the past three weeks I have been in training learning the ropes, but on Friday I got to do my first interview with a client and it was quite riveting. When my boss told me that it was time to get into the interview room a week earlier I was so nervous;…

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Week 9

I can’t believe summer is winding down already! In just a few short weeks, I will be back at Wake to start my fourth and final year of college– time sure does fly. This past week at RMHC was a busy one, as I began three new projects that I have to finish before the…

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Week 8: The Final Week

Now that my time at Royalty Marketing is over I am feeling good for multiple reasons. Because of this internship, I was able to learn so much about the world of creative marketing and myself. My boss Daryl taught me some very important things about his business and being an entrepreneur. I gained experience as…

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Serving Alongside One Another 7.15.18- Payton Calvert

Good Shepherd’s Fold is composed of many different facets of service that extend well beyond its campus. Most programs have an individual who leads them and is responsible for their growth. They are not, however, independent from one another. All of the department leaders rely on other sectors to assist in the success of their…

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another day, another step

The fourth of July was wonderful, but as always, it felt good to be back in the lab. Another week brought more new challenges and questions. Transitions into attempting to use a solid feedstock oil (what I use to make biodiesel fuel) were challenging at first, but worked better than I expected. Still, questions on…

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