F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 10

Officially finishing up my last week of research! I’ll be continuing once the semester begins. In terms of notes, I’ll have notes for all the people in the lab who have helped me throughout the summer. I just made a list so that will be taken care of. I enjoyed the internship overall but it was not without its challenges. The largest obstacle has been choosing to commute the last few weeks as that has taken its toll.I still have difficulty with mounting slides and using the microscope but that is not to discount all the progress that’s been made so far! As I mentioned though, the lab was a great environment to be in for the summer and enjoyed the company of everyone else there. The biggest learning experience was developing and continually optimizing the procedure for dissecting the brains out.

I achieved some of the goals for the summer up to this point. I need to dedicate the rest of summer to catching up on French and Japanese, as I was often too tired at the end of the work day to continue doing another thing. Since the brain immunohistochemistry was a novel area for the lab, we didn’t get as far as hoped for. But things should be smoother once research continues in the fall. One piece of advice for next year’s students would be to set weekly goals to keep you on track, especially if you are doing research. This was done weekly in Slack.

ohari15 • July 31, 2018

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